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Tag Archives: windows

December, 2009

  • 1 December

    Website Hosting Apache

    Apache HTTP Server is the leading web server software available. It commands nearly 60% of the web server market and over 66% of the 1 million sites with the most traffic. It is developed by the Apache Software Foundation and is released under a free and open source license called …

November, 2009

  • 26 November

    Creating a test server

    Question: I am new to Linux server administration. Is there any way to create a test server without having to buy a new computer or dual boot my Windows machine? Answer: Yes there is a way, and virtualization is the answer. There are many paid virtualization options like Vmware, but …

  • 16 November

    Monitoring Connectivity with Traceroute

    In the hopefully unlikely event that you are unable to access your website, the first thing you should check is your own network connection. You may find that you cannot access any websites. If that is not the case, there is a network problem between your computer and your server. …

October, 2009

  • 30 October

    File extensions in Linux

    On Windows systems, all files usually have three or four-letter extensions after the file names. For example: .jpg, .txt, .docx, etc. Executable files, in particular, have an .exe extension. In Linux, files do not need an extension, even executable files, although typically documents and images still have them. Text files …

  • 23 October

    Linux File Compression

    Question: I downloaded a script that I want to install on my website, but the file extension is tar.gz. What is it, and what do I do with it? Answer: That file extension, .tar.gz means that the file has been doubly compressed with both TAR and GZIP. These are both …

  • 5 October

    What are Xen, Vmware, and Hyper-V?

    Question: What are Xen, Vmware, and Hyper-V? Answer: All three are popular virtualization software. Xen is a free and open source virtualization solution and is therefore included in some Linux distributions. Vmware is a commercial company with many virtualization products. Hyper-V, formerly known as Windows Server Virtualization, is a commercial …

  • 2 October

    Understanding Linux RAM Usage

    Question: I run Windows on my home computer, and I noticed that my Linux dedicated server is always using a lot of RAM. Why? Answer: Windows and Linux utilize RAM in different ways. Someone new to Linux might be alarmed to see that the amount of free RAM Linux leaves …

August, 2009

  • 24 August

    Microsoft Working with PHP

    Microsoft, which has long offered proprietary alternatives to open source web platforms and scripting languages, is now offering a toolkit that will make it easier for PHP developers to utilize it’s .NET data services. PHP, which stands for PHP Hyptertext Processor and is sponsored by the commercial organization, Zend Technologies. …

July, 2009

  • 10 July

    Korean DDoS malware may self destruct

    Earlier this week, we reported a series of attacks on key South Korean and U.S. government servers that took some of them offline. The attacks are still under investigation, but a blog post on the Washington Post’s website suggests that the botnet being used to deliver the DDoS (distributed denial …

  • 7 July

    Virus protection on a Linux server

    Whether you are running a virtual private server (VPS) or a full dedicated box, you have undoubtedly considered the security precautions it will entail. If you have not, now might be a good time to start. Most Linux server security involves patching the kernel, preventing rootkits, and hardening the firewall. …

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