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Tag Archives: url

April, 2010

  • 8 April

    Change a URL with mod_rewrite

    Question: My current website URL looks like http://mydomain.com/index.php?page=creative. How can I remove the index.php and question mark to make it look more like a regular page address? Answer: If your web server is Apache, you should be able to do this with mod_rewrite. If you have a shared hosting account, …

December, 2009

  • 22 December

    How to create subdomains in cPanel

    A subdomain is an nice way to make a sub-section of your website stand out. For example, if your domain is “garbleygook.com”, and you want the “store” to be noticeable, you could create a subdomain called “store.garbleygook.com”. Creating subdomains in cPanel is much quicker and easier than trying to do …

November, 2009

  • 27 November

    Symantec : Shortened URLs pose security risk

    Nearly all of us have used URL-shortening services such as bit.ly or TinyURL. They are a great convenience, but according to Symantec , pose a security threat. The computer security firm says their malicious use is on the rise, and that they are especially dangerous because users do not always …

September, 2009

  • 29 September

    Search Engine Friendly URLs

    In a previous post, we learned about dynamic websites. One of the drawbacks of dynamic websites that we did not mention was the incomprehensibly long URLs that often result. The URL to a page might looks something like: yourdomain.com/indep.php?reallylongname&somethingelse&sid003234. Content management systems like Joomla, provide a solution that works fairly …