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Tag Archives: server

July, 2010

  • 8 July

    Free SSH Programs for Download

    SSH or Secure Shell is a secure method of accessing your web server for manipulation or file transfer (using SCP or SFTP). Here are a few software applications that you can use to access your server via SSH. 1. OpenSSH OpenSSH is the primary SSH client and server used for …

  • 6 July

    How to Connect via SSH

    SSH secure iconSSH stands for Secure Shell and is a secure encrypted method of connecting to a server for shell/command line access. It can be useful for shared hosting, virtual private servers, and dedicated servers. Linux server usually come with SSH enabled by default, although some web hosts may disable …

  • 6 July

    How to Connect via FTP

    FTP iconFTP stands for File Transfer Protocol and is the most widely accepted method for uploading files to a web server. All web hosting companies offer FTP service, but there may be slight differences in how you connect to them. To begin, you will need an FTP client, such as …

June, 2010

  • 30 June

    Apache HTTP Server Optimization: Part 3

    StartServers You have already configured Apache to control the number of child processes to keep running. This directive will tell Apache how many to start initially when your server first boots. Depending on the level of traffic you expect to get, this number may be low or high. For general …

  • 30 June

    MySQL Server Optimization

    If you are running a dedicated server, optimization is very important to maximize speed, efficiency, and save time and energy. We have already looked at ways to optimize Apache web server, but many dynamic websites also use databases that hold the data for their dynamic web applications. You can accomplish …

  • 29 June

    What is ASP.Net?

    Question: I have heard of ASP, but what is ASP.Net? Answer: ASP.Net is the official successor to the ASP (Active Server Pages) scripting language. Rather than being a simple scripting language, ASP.Net is a web application framework that combines the Microsoft .Net Framework technology with scripting languages and other non-scripting …

  • 29 June

    Apache HTTP Server Optimization: Part 2

    MinSpareServers and MaxSpareServers – Each virtual server on Apache uses its own set of child processes. With these settings, you can control how many spare processes Apache will run while waiting for more requests. When a child process reaches its maximum requests, the spare processes will be used. On a …

  • 28 June

    Apache HTTP Server Optimization: Part 1

    When running your own dedicated server or even a VPS (virtual private server), it is important make sure your server is running at optimal performance. Apache, the web server of choice for many Linux system administrators, will not automatically make itself stable, secure, and fast. You must do that, and …

  • 25 June

    How To Create Multiple New Users

    In Linux, the most common method used to create new users is to use the “adduser” command. This is fine when you need to add one or even a few users, but if you need to add numerous (i.e. 50, 100, or even 500), typing in the adduser command repeatedly …

  • 24 June

    Completely Delete Files with Shred

    On a Linux dedicated server, the normal method for deleting files is to use the “rm” command. This removes the file from the current filesystem, but what many do not know is that those removed files are usually recoverable. As such, rm is more like putting something in the trash …

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