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Tag Archives: server

January, 2010

  • 28 January

    Monitor disk space on a dedicated server

    Question: How can I configure a Unix server to tell me when the hard drive is getting full? Answer: Unix, Linux, and Unix-like systems have a command called “df” that reports disk space information about the server’s file system. Entering the following command: # df -P / produces output like …

  • 27 January

    How to restart Apache in Mac OS X Server

    Question: How do I restart Apache HTTP Server on a Mac OS X server? Answer: Linux other Unix-based servers, you can start and stop Apache from the command line. If you are familiar with Redhat-based systems, then you are used to logging in and then using “su” to become Root. …

  • 25 January

    Identifying memory consumption by process in Linux

    Question: How do I find out how memory is used by a particular process in Linux? Answer: On a Linux server, a nifty little command called “pmap” will do just what you want. The command string that you will need to enter as root is: # pmap -d PID But …

  • 21 January

    How to setup a virtual host in Apache on a Mac OS X Server

    So far we have covered Linux, Windows, BSD, and Solaris. Another server operating system worth mentioning is Mac OS X Server. Although most tend to think of OS X as a desktop OS, there is a server version that has the same Unix-like structure and stability as other BSD distributions. …

  • 21 January

    How to set cookie expiration in Apache

    Cookies are very important for dynamic websites. They allow you to set parameters for user interaction. With cookies, your website can remember visitors and show them appropriate data, ads, and even specific pages. By default, cookies only last for a single browser session. With the CookieExpires Apache directive, you can …

  • 19 January

    How to install Apache on a FreeBSD server

    Continuing with our series this week on non-Linux operating system servers, today we will learn about FreeBSD. Its proponents (of BSD distributions in general) call it the most secure and reliable operating system for Internet-connected servers. It comes with several different versions of Apache. Here is a quick guide to …

  • 19 January

    Remotely managing your Windows web server

    Question: How do I setup remote management of an IIS 7 server on Windows Server 2008? Answer: By default, remote management is turned off. Therefore, you must turn it on before you can use any of its features. Although IIS is available for Vista and other versions of Microsoft Windows, …

  • 18 January

    How do I install FTP on IIS 7.5

    Question: How do I install FTP on IIS 7.5 in Windows? Answer: IIS (Internet Information Service) is a set of Microsoft’s Internet-based services. As a web server, it is second only to Apache HTTP Server, serving 29% of all websites. In addition to HTTP services, it also includes FTP. On …

  • 18 January

    WampServer on Windows

    We have spent a great deal of blog space learning about Linux servers and how to optimize them, but Linux is certainly not the only kid on the block. This week we will look at some other operating systems and how they interact with the Web. First up is Microsoft …

  • 15 January

    Disable unused services on your server

    Unused services may seem like a non-issue, but they cause your server to take longer at boot, and they eat up RAM that could be used for critical services. This is a cross-platform issue, so Linux, Windows, BSD, and Solaris servers could all potentially have unused services running in the …

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