ram – Internetblog.org.uk https://www.internetblog.org.uk Web hosting, Domain names, Dedicated servers Fri, 29 Jan 2016 11:05:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.5 https://www.internetblog.org.uk/files/2016/01/cropped-favico-32x32.png ram – Internetblog.org.uk https://www.internetblog.org.uk 32 32 Server Hardware Tips https://www.internetblog.org.uk/post/1581/server-hardware-tips/ Wed, 28 Jul 2010 16:07:31 +0000 http://www.internetblog.org.uk/post/1581/server-hardware-tips/ Much of the discussion about web hosting and servers centers around operating systems, software, and web applications. But one should not overlook hardware, which can make or break website performance. Here are a few hardware tips to make sure you get the most for your money.

1. When possible, opt for the quality, server-grade CPUs (i.e. 64-bit Intel Xeon dual or quad core)

2. The more RAM you have, the better. You can never go wrong by adding memory to your system.

3. Get large, fast hard drives, especially if you plan to run virtual private servers (VPS).

4. For large-scale sites, server redundancy is a good thing, if you can afford it.

5. Multi-core processors improve performance, but correlate the amount of processing power you get with your actual needs. In other words, there is no point in having a 64-core processor for a couple of blogs.

6. Find ways to save power, especially if you have to pay for it. Green servers will save you money and save the environment.

7. Remember that technology is constantly evolving. Plan on needing to upgrade in the future.

Photo Source: Flickr

Server Maintenance Tips https://www.internetblog.org.uk/post/1580/server-maintenance-tips/ Wed, 28 Jul 2010 16:02:01 +0000 http://www.internetblog.org.uk/post/1580/server-maintenance-tips/ Over the course of the past year, we have covered many dedicated server maintenance issues, particularly for servers running Linux. In no particular order, here is a list of some of the more important tips you should remember when taking care of your server.

1. When possible, rely on the distribution updates and repositories. Only add third-party software when absolutely necessary.

2. Periodically run fsck to check the file system.

3. Monitor system and service logs.

4. Disable unused services.

5. Periodically optimize MySQL databases.

6. Monitor CPU and RAM usage.

7. Optimize RAM and swap usage.

8. On larger servers, run the database server on a separate machine, optimize the servers for scalability, and consider using a CDN (Content Delivery Network).

Photo Source: Flickr

How to Increase MySQL Memory Usage Above 4GB https://www.internetblog.org.uk/post/1527/how-to-increase-mysql-memory-usage-above-4gb/ Tue, 13 Jul 2010 19:11:35 +0000 http://www.internetblog.org.uk/post/1527/how-to-increase-mysql-memory-usage-above-4gb/ RAM memory modules
Question: My database server is timing out because MySQL seems to hang once it has used up 4GB of RAM, even though the server is equipped with 6GB. How can I make MySQL take advantage of the full 6GB available?

Answer: If your current server setup involves a 32-bit architecture or even just a 32-bit version of your operating system, the short answer is: you cannot. By design MySQL will not be able to use more than 4GB unless it is running on a 64-bit OS.

If you are running Linux, type ” uname -m ” from the command line to see whether or not you are using a 64-bit version. If you know for a fact that your server actually has 64-bit processors, you can reinstall Linux with a 64-bit kernel.

The other less-drastic measure you may be able to take is to install a PAE (Physical Address Extension) kernel, which will allow your server to access physical address space larger than 4 GB. Some distributions, such as CentOS offer PAE kernel packages that you can easily install.

Source: Webhostingtalk.com
Photo: Flickr

Apache HTTP Server Optimization: Part 2 https://www.internetblog.org.uk/post/1477/apache-http-server-optimization-part-2/ Tue, 29 Jun 2010 18:27:21 +0000 http://www.internetblog.org.uk/post/1477/apache-http-server-optimization-part-2/ Apache Software Foundation LogoMinSpareServers and MaxSpareServers – Each virtual server on Apache uses its own set of child processes. With these settings, you can control how many spare processes Apache will run while waiting for more requests. When a child process reaches its maximum requests, the spare processes will be used. On a server with more than 2GB of RAM, you can use a higher number of spare servers to increase speed. If you do not have much RAM to spare, setting the max too high can cause problems.

MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 10

MaxRequestsPerChild – This is the maximum number of requests a child process will receive before it is killed. Make sure this setting is not too low, or it will create unnecessary load on Apache when it restarts the child.

MaxRequestsPerChild 1000 (for 1GB of RAM, 10,000 for 2GB)

KeepAlive and MaxKeepAliveRequests – This determines how long TCP connections are kept open for requests. Setting this higher will speed up HTML and Image downloading, but it can also add stress to the server. Whether or not to use KeepAlive depends on the purpose of your server. For a hosting server with shared hosting accounts, KeepAlive will probably just add too much CPU intensive stress. For a server with a single site that serves a lot of documents and demands speed (something like a wiki), you might want to keep it on.

KeepAlive off (or on – your choice)

Apache HTTP Server Optimization: Part 1 https://www.internetblog.org.uk/post/1474/apache-http-server-optimization-part-1/ Mon, 28 Jun 2010 16:27:08 +0000 http://www.internetblog.org.uk/post/1474/apache-http-server-optimization-part-1/ Apache Software Foundation LogoWhen running your own dedicated server or even a VPS (virtual private server), it is important make sure your server is running at optimal performance. Apache, the web server of choice for many Linux system administrators, will not automatically make itself stable, secure, and fast. You must do that, and there are several optimization techniques you can use to accomplish it. This week, I will cover a few.

Apache configuration is stored in a file called httpd.conf or apache2.conf, and it most often stored in /etc/httpd or /etc/apache2. To edit the file, you can use “vi” or “nano”.


This setting defines the number of visitors you can have connected at once. You can calculate the visitor capacity your server can support by using this formula:

150 x number of GigaBytes of RAM

For example, a server with 2GB of RAM can have 300 MaxClients. 3GB can support 450. Make it high enough to prevent user timeouts but low enough to avoid causing the server to lockup. A high amount can also make your server an easy target for DoS (Denial of Service) attacks.


Set this value to the same as MaxClients (i.e. SeverLimit = 150 x number of GB of RAM)

I will continue the series on Apache optimization throughout this week. You can also read your Linux distribution’s specific documentation on Apache to find out specifics, such as where the configuration file is stored.

Source: linuxstuffs.net

Common extra dedicated server features https://www.internetblog.org.uk/post/1190/common-extra-dedicated-server-features/ Fri, 09 Apr 2010 22:30:50 +0000 http://www.internetblog.org.uk/post/1190/common-extra-dedicated-server-features/ Brazilian money
An unmanaged dedicated server is almost like a bare-bones computer. While you get all of the essentials required to call it a server, there are many features that you will want to add. Some of them are free and/or open source, while some require purchase or even subscription services. It is important to know this before getting a dedicated server, thinking that you are getting a complete product.

A good web host will list some of their extra available features, including prices. Here is a brief list of options you might want:

  • cPanel or other control panel
  • SSL certificates
  • Additional IP addresses
  • Load balancing for two or more servers
  • Anti-virus protection for mail servers
  • Routine backup storage
  • Additional RAM
  • Additional hard drive
  • Windows Server 2008
  • KVM over IP
  • Additional badwidth/data transfer

For prices check your web host’s website.

Photo Source: Wikimedia Commons

What is burstable RAM? https://www.internetblog.org.uk/post/1155/what-is-burstable-ram/ Wed, 31 Mar 2010 17:04:16 +0000 http://www.internetblog.org.uk/post/1155/what-is-burstable-ram/ ram
Burstable RAM is a term used in the VPS industry to describe extra RAM set aside for high-traffic needs. Providers will often advertise a given amount of RAM on a VPS (256 MB, for example), but say it is burstable up to 384 MB. This means you will always have 256 MB of RAM, but may be able to use a much as 384 MB.

The amount of burstable memory that can be used depends on the loads of the other VPS units sharing your parent server. If the other clients are using all available resources, little burstable RAM will be available. On the other hand, you may find you can use all or most of it if the other units are running far below capacity.

Virtual machine memory allocation https://www.internetblog.org.uk/post/991/virtual-machine-memory-allocation/ Fri, 12 Feb 2010 22:25:41 +0000 http://www.internetblog.org.uk/post/991/virtual-machine-memory-allocation/ VMWare ESXi
Question: How much memory will I need to run virtual machines on my server?

Answer: There is no simple answer to this question. Generally speaking, to virtualize an operating system you need at least as much RAM as is normally required to run the OS independently. Therefore, if your OS requires 512MB of RAM to run normally, it will require that in virtualization.

It is, however, not quite that simple. Depending on your application needs, server loads, and the amount of data being accessed and transferred, your needs could range from the low (512MB) to the high (4GB) or even beyond that.

Therefore, it is important to know exactly what you need and how much RAM you would normally need to run the applications you are trying to run. Some virtualization software also includes dynamic memory allocation so that you can set a base amount and allow the amount used to expand on an as-needed basis. As with anything that might tax your server’s load, use it wisely.

Photo: Flickr

When it's time to kill https://www.internetblog.org.uk/post/652/when-its-time-to-kill/ Fri, 06 Nov 2009 21:48:41 +0000 http://www.internetblog.org.uk/post/652/when-its-time-to-kill/ Tux dressed in Kill Bill outfit
No matter how stable your Linux installation is, no matter how much you invest in security, reliability, updated software, and system monitoring, something is eventually going to go wrong. On a virtual private server or a dedicated server, responsibility to fix it usually falls on you. If this were your Windows desktop computer, a help desk tech might tell you to simply reboot, but on a server, you need other options.

If you see a spike in CPU usage, an usually high amount of RAM being consumed, or other such anomalies, you could have a runaway process. Simply put, it is a program that is no longer behaving and may even be unresponsive. Linux has a quick and dirty solution: kill. If you happen to know the exact process number, just type: kill 8889, or whatever the process number is. If that does not help, add the “-9” flag to force it:

kill -9 8889

You can also quickly kill off all instances of a program with “killall”. For example, if a program called “gamebot” is no longer functioning or is frozen, you would enter:

killall gamebot

Use “kill” sparingly, and be very careful with “killall”, but when the time to kill does arrive, you will know it and know what to do. For more information about “kill”, type “man kill” from the command line.

Photo Source: Flickr

PHP Memory Limit https://www.internetblog.org.uk/post/582/php-memory-limit/ Thu, 15 Oct 2009 21:57:40 +0000 http://www.internetblog.org.uk/post/582/php-memory-limit/ PHP Elephant

Question: My PHP content management program “X” needs more RAM. How do I fix this?

Answer: Depending on your server setup and whether you have shared hosting or a dedicated server, you may or may not be able to change the allowed PHP memory usage. What happens is that PHP is setup to allow a certain amount of data to be sent over the web before it times out and give you an error. The default is usually 8MB, which is not enough for large databases.

The solution is to increase the memory allowance. Normally, if it is done server-wide, you simply edit the php.ini file and find something that looks like:

“memory_limit = 8M”

If you want a 32MB limit, simplyl change it to:

memory_limit = 32M

If you are using a shared hosting account, there are several methods that a web hosting provider can use to allow you to change the settings, while some might not allow it at all. Check their documentation and, if necessary, contact them.

Photo Source: Flickr
