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Tag Archives: gzip

July, 2010

  • 1 July

    Using GZIP for Faster Websites

    Good webmasters and system administrators are always looking for ways to increase efficiency and create faster websites. While much of website speed depends on the speed of the server, network connection, and the design of the site, there are other software tweaks that can add some zip to your site. …

April, 2010

  • 20 April

    How to create a compressed tar.gz archive

    Compressing files is an important skill to have. You never know when you might need to move large amounts of data, and knowing how to compress them into a smaller sized single archive can save you a lot of time and disk space. Compressed files are particularly useful for backups …

October, 2009

  • 23 October

    Linux File Compression

    Question: I downloaded a script that I want to install on my website, but the file extension is tar.gz. What is it, and what do I do with it? Answer: That file extension, .tar.gz means that the file has been doubly compressed with both TAR and GZIP. These are both …