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Tag Archives: linux

October, 2009

  • 15 October

    Which Programs Are Using Ports?

    Question: How do I find out what Linux programs are using my ports? Answer: Running a Linux dedicated server can be a big responsibility, so it is good to know shortcuts for some of the more sticky situations that arise. If you ever have a situation where you cannot start …

  • 13 October

    The Mysterious User Named Nobody

    Question: Who is “nobody”, and why is he running so many programs on my server? Am I being hacked? Answer: On a Linux-based dedicated server, every application must be run by a particular user. On a desktop system, programs are usually either run by the local user or the system. …

  • 9 October

    Understanding Linux Services

    In a Linux-based operating system, a service is a program that can be executed at startup and run in the background. The user can also execute it at any time from the command line. On a Linux dedicated server, services are very important, as most of the critical applications are …

  • 6 October

    What is root and su?

    Question: What is root and su? Answer: On Linux and other Unix-like systems, root is the default username of the system administrator or super user (su). Typically, the root user is the only one that has complete read and write access on every file located on a server. Shared hosting …

  • 5 October

    What are Xen, Vmware, and Hyper-V?

    Question: What are Xen, Vmware, and Hyper-V? Answer: All three are popular virtualization software. Xen is a free and open source virtualization solution and is therefore included in some Linux distributions. Vmware is a commercial company with many virtualization products. Hyper-V, formerly known as Windows Server Virtualization, is a commercial …

  • 2 October

    Understanding Linux RAM Usage

    Question: I run Windows on my home computer, and I noticed that my Linux dedicated server is always using a lot of RAM. Why? Answer: Windows and Linux utilize RAM in different ways. Someone new to Linux might be alarmed to see that the amount of free RAM Linux leaves …

September, 2009

  • 30 September

    What is BSD?

    Question: I have heard of Unix and Linux, but what is BSD? Answer: BSD commonly refers to the the UNIX-like operating system developed at the University of California, Berkley in 1977. It predates Linux and has been used in Unix server environments for decades, in response to the licensing issues …

  • 30 September

    Free and Open Source Control Panels

    Question: I’m starting my own custom web server and want to use a free web hosting control panel. Can you name a few? Answer: Unfortunately, the list of free hosting panels is not very long, but there are a few quality choices out there. Here they are in no particular …

  • 15 September

    How to Import a MySQL Database

    In a previous post, I explained a couple methods of exporting MySQL databases. Today, we will do just the opposite: import a mysql database. As with the previous example, you may use either phpMyAdmin, your web hosting company’s custom control panel interface (if available), or the Linux command line, if …

  • 14 September

    How to Index and Find Files in Linux

    Question: I have a virtual private server (or dedicated server) with lots of files from numerous websites. How can I keep my files indexed and search for them whenever I need them? Answer: There are two tools that make searching for files in Linux easy: locate and slocate. The only …

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