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Tag Archives: linux

November, 2009

  • 2 November

    The Delete Command in Linux

    The second important command to know when using a Linux or Unix server is the rm command. This is the primary way to delete files from a server. Please use it with caution, as it is meant to be permanent. To delete a file, simply navigate to the directory with …

  • 2 November

    The Copy Command in Linux

    This week, I will be featuring several Linux/Unix commands that are very useful and important to know if you have a virtual private server or dedicated server. All of the commands can be executed from an SSH connection. If you have Mac OS X or Linux, you can use the …

October, 2009

  • 30 October

    What is named?

    Question: I keep seeing the program called “named” running on my server. What is it? Answer: Named is one of the DNS programs, also known as Bind, which is a free and open source DNS management system. Bind handles all of the DNS for your Linux server and is usually …

  • 30 October

    File extensions in Linux

    On Windows systems, all files usually have three or four-letter extensions after the file names. For example: .jpg, .txt, .docx, etc. Executable files, in particular, have an .exe extension. In Linux, files do not need an extension, even executable files, although typically documents and images still have them. Text files …

  • 29 October

    What are symbolic links in Linux?

    Question: What are symbolic links in Linux? Answer: Linux has a convenient feature that allows you to link a virtual file to a real one. For example, if you have a directory called “images” and you also want one called “photos” to point to the same place, you need to …

  • 29 October

    Email aliases file in Linux

    Question: How do I manually setup email aliases in Linux? Answer: Generally speaking, there is probably no reason for you to modify your aliases file manually. In some cases, however, a script will require you to edit the file, and it is important to know where it is and how …

  • 27 October

    What are "Man" pages?

    Question: What is a “man” page? Answer: Linux and other Unix-like operating systems usually have hundreds of commands that a user can execute from the command line. When running a dedicated server, there are a few that you will use regularly, but there may be instances when you need to …

  • 26 October

    The "setup" command in Redhat, Fedora, and CentOS

    In Linux, most server configuration files are located in /etc. Most of them are text files, and although it is fairly easy to edit them, Redhat-based distributions have a handy graphical ncurses program that allows the dedicated server system administrator to handle certain tasks. The program is simply called setup …

  • 23 October

    Linux File Compression

    Question: I downloaded a script that I want to install on my website, but the file extension is tar.gz. What is it, and what do I do with it? Answer: That file extension, .tar.gz means that the file has been doubly compressed with both TAR and GZIP. These are both …

  • 16 October

    Linux Dedicated Server Logs

    Question: Where do I view logs on my dedicated server? Answer: Most of the logs on a Linux operating system are kept in the /var/log directory. There you will find logs for the main system, kernel, network, hardware, Apache, MySQL, and often times other third-party applications that you might happen …

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