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How to install Shoutcast on a Linux server

SHOUTcast logoYesterday, we learned about two radio streaming servers available for Linux: Shoutcast and Icecast. Today, you will learn how to install and setup a Shoutcast server. In this example, you will create a special user to run Shoutcast, rather than having it run as root, which is a security risk.

1. Create a new Linux user:

# adduser -c "Shoutcast User" shoutcast
# passwd shoutcast

(enter a password for the new user)

2. Download the latest version of Shoutcast from shoutcast.com. Make sure you download the Linux server version.

3. Login as the shoutcast user

4. Extract the files:

$ tar xfz filename.tar.gz

5. Configure the Shoutcast server. Create a file called shoutcastd. Edit the file and enter the following


./sc_serv sc_serv.conf >/dev/null 2>&1 &

6. Save the file and then enter:

$ chmod +x shoutcastd

7. Start the server:

$ ./shoutcastd

This will get your server up and running. In a future post, we will learn about how to stream media with it.

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