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Advanced Policy Firewall (APF)

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Few issues with dedicated servers are more important than security, and no security software is overlooked more than firewalls. Most people expect firewalls to work the way they want them to without any effort. While that is impossible, there is a free software firewall solution available that makes installation, setup, and maintenance easy. Its name is Advanced Policy Firewall (APF) by R-fx Networks.

It relies on iptables and provides the user with an easy command line interface for configuration. APF allows for full customization of features, particularly useful for system administrators who need options. APF is known to work on numerous Linux distributions, including Redhat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Slackware.

APF is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License. R-fx Networks also offers several other security software packages for servers, including brute force detection and system integrity monitoring.

Photo Source: stock.xchng

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