Home / Domain Sales / RSS.com bought for $137,500

RSS.com bought for $137,500

rssDomainer Ron Sheridan bought RSS.com for £86,745 ($137,500 USD) this week in a private sale. Given the original asking price was $750,000, I think he got a fairly good deal.

Sheridan, in conjunction with a partner, has plans to develop the name. Currently the exact nature of the site is being kept under wraps. He said:

In the end RSS.com will be what I refer to as a logical build out for a high value premium generic domain. Our hope is that the property/brand will dominate it’s respective category.

As I mentioned, Sheridan got a great deal on the name. The problem with technology domains, however, is that their value is based solely on their popularity of that piece of technology. RSS is very popular now, but what if a new standard for news syndication is launched two years from now?

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