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Is phone support worth the extra cost?

call center
In an attempt to provide better service, some hosts have returned to the old model of providing phone support as a substitute for the more common online ticket system. It’s great to see technical assistance being provided the old-fashioned way again, but this luxury usually comes at an added cost.

Most hosts don’t offer phone support simply because it’s too expensive. Those that do charge extra for it. This may be a per-call or per-minute basis, a monthly fee, or, in the case of an upper-tier host like mine, implicitly charged to all customers.

You probably won’t need to use phone support most of the time, but it can be useful in a number of situations:

  1. Your problem is especially complicated or you want to make sure it is taken care of correctly the first time.
  2. Online support has been unable to solve your inquiry.
  3. You are technically challenged. We’re not all the next Bill Gates.
  4. You don’t have access to a computer at the moment.

There are many benefits to talking to a person live in real-time. If your host offers phone support, why not take advantage of the extra service?

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