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EC: Invest in a green, sustainable Internet infrastructure

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European Commissioner Viviane Reding said this week that EU members must “continue to invest in internet infrastructure despite the global recession, and use the technology to help develop a more sustainable society.” According to Reding, improving the infrastructure of the Internet is not just about IT and business. It can also help improve sustainability and deal with climate change.

“It is our intention to closely couple our Future Internet technology research with applications of high societal value such as health, urban mobility, energy grids or smart cities,” she said.

The intention is to create “smart grids” which use meters that allow individuals and businesses to see the power usage. The UK will have these grids by 2020. Reding also added that she believes everyone should have broadband access to the Internet. Both wired and wireless technologies should be available to anyone who needs them, she explained.

Source: eWeek Europe
Photo: SXC

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