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Counseling for the Domain Impaired

Man under stress
As ICANN continues to flex its muscles, combating domain tasting, silencing critics, and revoking accreditation from naughty registrars, many domain name registrars are apparently feeling a little uncomfortable about their understanding of ICANN policies. So, what is the treatment for post domain accreditation depression? Counseling is the answers, of course.

ICANN accreditation is very important both financially, due to the attached savings on wholesale domains and for the reputation of a registrar. Customers recognize the ICANN logo on a website and expect to do business with what they would consider to be legitimate firms. Without accreditation, a domain registrar could literally face extinction. Now, companies like LogicBoxes are providing consultancy services for registrars.

Instead of hiring in-house experts to page through ICANN policy and monitor compliance, registrars can outsource to companies that specialize in getting them ready for accreditation. Furthermore, their programs are designed to get registrars accredited as quickly and painlessly as possible. Never again will registrars have to suffer the loneliness and embarrassment of post accreditation depression. There is help even for the most careless of businesses.

Photo: SXC

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