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Is this the most secure data center in the world?

data center server racks
It may not look like something out of James Bond, but a new government data center in Culpeper, Virginia may be the most secure yet.

Hosting provider Terremark constructed the data center for the United States government as a cloud computing facility.

Built like a bunker, the center boasts reinforced concrete walls, motion-sensing cameras, armed dogs, and bomb-sniffing dogs. “This building is like a secure bunker, and the campus is like a military base,” the company’s senior Vice President, Norm Laudermilch, bragged. All vehicles entering the facility are thoroughly searched.

The data center may be secure on the outside, but I bet its much more vulnerable virtually. Armed guards and concrete are useless against hackers, who in this day and age seem to find a way around any security system. Still, it’s important that the government have the more secure infrastructure available.

Source | InformationWeek

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