Home / Security / China to Install "Green Dam" Content Filter on New Computers

China to Install "Green Dam" Content Filter on New Computers

The Chinese government has issued an order requiring all computers sold in China to have a government-sanctioned content filter installed.

Known as “Green Dam,” the software filters obscene images and words. Computer makes must preinstall it on all computers sold in the country starting July 1.

China is notorious for its strict Internet censorship, but security experts are afraid Green Dam could be used to monitor personal computer use, collect personal information, and block a greater range of content.

American computer makers in the region have already expressed dissent. “Many of us are going to take it in the neck with this mandate,” said one tech executive. “It has put people into five-alarm mode.”

The software has already been downloaded 3.2 million times. Its installation has been required on all school computers since May. Users have reported that the content filter is buggy, at times ineffective, and some have reported system crashes associated with the software, which is only available on Windows for now.

Source: New York Times

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