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Average Internet user visits 70 domains each month

Mouse clicking
I already know I am way over the average, but the new statistics released by Nielsen Online are worth investigating, especially if your business is online. According to the report, the average person visits 70 domains and 1576 web pages each month. That means that most of the pages they see are within a few sites, undoubtedly including major search engines and social networking sites.

Each day, according to the report, a person will view 42 pages per online session, which lasts about 1.02 hours. At the end of a month, a person will have accumulated 37.21 hours of web site browsing. I can only wonder what my statistics would look like for the nights I fall asleep with my browser still open. Even more interesting is that UK users are apparently the biggest net junkies, clocking 47 web sessions and 86 domain visits per month.

The average person spends 51 seconds on a web page, just long enough to see someone fall from a bike on YouTube. In the UK, they spend only 49 seconds. The report estimates that the “Digital Media Universe” now has a population of 560,574,661. Despite the economic recession, there seems to be no reduction in the amount of pointing and clicking, something that is sure to make Internet service providers and web site owners happy.

Source: Nielsen Online
Photo: Flickr

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