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5 Security tips for virtual private servers

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There are many security factors you should consider when deploying Linux-based virtual private servers (VPS) on systems such as OpenVZ. Some protect your users and some protect your server as a whole. Here are five steps you can take to make sure your server is secure:

1. Disable the root password on the real server. Users may decide to use root passwords on their VPS systems, but do not make it easy for attackers to get past them to the real system.

2. Create a user designed just for admin tasks and give it “sudo” rights.

3. Create an ssh user to handle any remote logins and an sftp user for uploads to the real server. Disable remote access for all other users.

4. Run OpenSSH on a port other than the default 22. You can use 2222 or something else.

5. Rely on SSH keys for the two secure users and disable clear password authentication.

Photo Source: Flickr

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