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Tag Archives: server

November, 2009

  • 9 November

    Viewing active processes in Linux

    Question: How do I find out what programs are running on my server? Answer: Linux and most Unix-like operating systems have a convenient command that allows you to view running processes in a variety of list styles. The command is called “ps”. To quickly see every process running on your …

  • 9 November

    Moving files on a Linux server

    Question: How do I move an entire directory filled with files on my Linux server? Answer: While moving physical files can be quite a task, moving files in Linux is very easy. If you have SSH access to your server, you can move files with a simple command called “mv”. …

  • 6 November

    When it's time to kill

    No matter how stable your Linux installation is, no matter how much you invest in security, reliability, updated software, and system monitoring, something is eventually going to go wrong. On a virtual private server or a dedicated server, responsibility to fix it usually falls on you. If this were your …

  • 4 November

    Quick System Information with "Uptime"

    There are several ways to monitor your Linux dedicated server. Some involve typing simple commands, while more advanced techniques require you to study log files. Few, however, are as easy as typing “uptime”. Once entered, you will know a number of things: 1. The system time. Sometimes you might find …

  • 4 November

    Backup Server Files with Rsync

    Few tasks are more important on a dedicated server than backing up crucial data. Many businesses and individuals have suffered financial loss and even emotional breakdowns because they failed to backup their servers. Rsync is a remote syncing tool that you can use to backup data without needing third-party software. …

  • 2 November

    The Delete Command in Linux

    The second important command to know when using a Linux or Unix server is the rm command. This is the primary way to delete files from a server. Please use it with caution, as it is meant to be permanent. To delete a file, simply navigate to the directory with …

October, 2009

  • 30 October

    What is named?

    Question: I keep seeing the program called “named” running on my server. What is it? Answer: Named is one of the DNS programs, also known as Bind, which is a free and open source DNS management system. Bind handles all of the DNS for your Linux server and is usually …

  • 30 October

    File extensions in Linux

    On Windows systems, all files usually have three or four-letter extensions after the file names. For example: .jpg, .txt, .docx, etc. Executable files, in particular, have an .exe extension. In Linux, files do not need an extension, even executable files, although typically documents and images still have them. Text files …

  • 23 October

    Linux File Compression

    Question: I downloaded a script that I want to install on my website, but the file extension is tar.gz. What is it, and what do I do with it? Answer: That file extension, .tar.gz means that the file has been doubly compressed with both TAR and GZIP. These are both …

  • 16 October

    Linux Dedicated Server Logs

    Question: Where do I view logs on my dedicated server? Answer: Most of the logs on a Linux operating system are kept in the /var/log directory. There you will find logs for the main system, kernel, network, hardware, Apache, MySQL, and often times other third-party applications that you might happen …

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