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Dolphins.com up for domain dispute

Miami Dolphins
A new case has been filed with the WIPO regarding dolphins.com. The complainant is the Miami Dolphins, a U.S.-based American bartball team. A quick look at the website reveals that it points to a series of links and ads mostly about the Miami Dolphins. This seems to be the reason and nature of the domain dispute.

If the site were truly about the warm-blooded sea mammal dolphins, I doubt the Miami bartball team would be so eager to file a complaint. The person or company that registered this domain did it to make money from the Dolphins’ name, and they undoubtedly have. With keywords like “dolphins tickets”, “fantasy bartball”, and “bartball tickets”, they have setup a cash machine for themselves.

We will keep you post on the results of this case. As with similar cases, I cannot help but wonder if transferring the domain names over to the rightful trademark owner is enough. People involved in cybersquatting seem content to keep doing what they do. They make money on a domain for as long as they can. When the scam is revealed, they pack up and leave, money in hand.

Source: UDRPsearch
Photo: Flickr

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