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What is ASP.Net?

ASP.net logoQuestion: I have heard of ASP, but what is ASP.Net?

Answer: ASP.Net is the official successor to the ASP (Active Server Pages) scripting language. Rather than being a simple scripting language, ASP.Net is a web application framework that combines the Microsoft .Net Framework technology with scripting languages and other non-scripting languages.

ASP.Net is released with the .Net Framework and allows web developers to build dynamic websites, web applications, and web services. It features an event-based programming model and can utilize a variety of programming languages, including C#, J#, and VB.Net.

This Common Language Runtime allows programmers to use any language supported by the .Net Framework. Windows server system administrators can install ASP.Net as part of the .Net installation, and developers can use Microsoft Visual Studio to develop dynamic websites with ASP.Net technology.

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